Show Organizer Hack #5

Throughout this series, we’ll be hearing best practices from organizers who host a combined total of over 50 horse shows annually!

#LearnFromTheBest with tips from:

  • Anna Mitchell of Mitchell Dressage Series
  • Miranda Kettlewell of Commonwealth Dressage & Combined Training Association
  • Liz Erwin of Potomac Valley Dressage Association
  • Cynthia Brickley of Elysian Hills Training Center

The fifth installment in our #OrganizerTip Series provides you with easily solutions for getting more entries!

#StriderShowHack:  Use modern tech- the industry trend is increasingly accepting digital entries and payment.   Paper entries often discourage riders( who now LIVE on their cell phones) because paper is so tedious and hard to complete.

#StriderShowHack:  Post your show on a publicly accessible platform like Event Clinics. It means  your event will be seen by thousands of local riders checking out the calendar.  

“New riders found out about my facility AND our activities after I posted Jump Derbies to the STRIDER calendar. We received a more diverse range of entries and gained repeat customers!”- Elysian Hills Training Center owner Cynthia Brickley.

#StriderShowHack: Put Social Media to good use.

Join some of the Facebook groups specifically related to equine activities in your area…and POST YOUR ACTIVITY URL THERE!  It’s one of the fastest ways to drive entries.  We’ve compiled a list of our Top 50 for your convenience.

#StriderShowHack: Reward riders who cross promote.

Hold a prize raffle for all riders that tag your facility or GMO throughout the show in their posts on Facebook and Instagram. It ensures folks at home see what they’re missing and sign-up for your next event!

#StriderShowHack: Add your activity to  USHJA, USEF, USDF,  or USEA calendars.  ( Note: Sometimes involve fees.)

  • USEA: Adding your activity to USEA’s calendar gets you $1,000,0000 activity/liability insurance.
  • USHJA: Each USHJA Zone has a calendar, you can add your activity (which also means it will be included in email blasts) for a fee. Check with your Zone for details.
  • USDF: Helpful links can be accessed here
PC: Cynthia Brickey | Elysian HIlls


#StriderShowHack:  Take advantage of GMOs; they can help you advertise to an already interested local audience!

Potomac Valley Dressage Association, for example, is a large GMO with over 15 smaller Chapters. That’s a huge number of riders you could potentially invite to your next activity! 

“When I began my show series, I would advertise with the local VADA chapters,, and a few other avenues. Now that I’ve established my shows it’s mostly Facebook and our mailing list. VADA/NOVA offered a partnership program this year which was free, and I’ve  switched to using STRIDER to accept registrations. I’ve spent $0 on advertising this year. I noticed a lot of people learn about my shows via their friends and barn mates” – Anna Mitchell, Mitchell Dressage Series

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