
You’ve worked hard to make a name for yourself.
Isn’t it time your business revenue grew as well?

Stop losing income because Riders can’t figure out how to sign up for your clinics.
Or because the only entry form they can find is from three years ago.

Here’s some tips to help you boost revenue fast.

1. Streamline your registration process.

When Riders struggle to figure out how to sign up for your clinics, you lose money.  

The “No-Membership Required”  STRIDER Calendar makes it easy for riders to research options by  name,  facility, location, or date…then REGISTER!

2. Make sure your clinic entry process is mobile friendly.

Busy Riders don’t have time to complete a tedious paper based registration process, mail checks or engage in lengthy email/text exchanges.  They get distracted and abandon the registration effort. 

 Mobile entry is the fastest way to convert interest to registration.   

3. Simplify payment with secure options.

When was the last time you mailed a check to SmartPak?? Make sure Riders can quickly find your info & enter with their phone.

4. Maximize visibility, publicity and registrations.

It’s SUPER tough to get the word out if your registration form is in a “Members Only” area.  At STRIDER™, we believe membership should be an option.  We don’t believe in forcing riders to create an account just to enter your activity, or send you entry fees.    And the BONUS of this design?  Posted activities get crawled daily by  search engines, which means free nationwide visibility! 

5.  Manage registrations, payment & progress automatically,  in real time.
Are you the kind of person who hates paperwork?  With STRIDER™, your paperwork saga is  automatically done for you.   Plus, you’ll always have 24/7 access to  data,  documents and funds.