You’ve got a great schedule planned for the year. Â Now it’s time to make sure the timing is right! Â Here are 5 techniques to help you sift through date options when planning your next clinic.
1. Look at the calendar in context of your target audience.
- Are you trying to attract new riders/students or meet the needs of existing clientele? You’ll need a minimum 2-month lead-time to attract a new following, and possibly longer if the clinician is fairly unknown as an instructor for your target audience.
- Make sure to allow enough time to announce the clinic online, disseminate in social media, and send out via email.
- Casual clinics with an existing clientele can be planned in 2-3 weeks.
2. Figure out the schedule restrictions for your target audience.
- Is your target audience Adult Amateurs that are also working professionals? Pony Clubbers whose parents are only available to trailer on the weekends? Or do you have established clientele base that is available midweek?
- Riders who have full time jobs outside of the barn can often work a half-day and still attend a clinic if given enough lead-time.
3. Decide what discipline you want to focus on…dressage, show jumping, or eventing.
- Do you want someone who is an active top competitor, or someone less focused on competitions and more on coaching?
4. Decide on possible date ranges when the facility is available to host.
- Take a look at the competition calendar within 200 miles of the facility. Are there any major equestrian competitions just before or after your date ranges?
Many top riders still actively compete. To minimize conflict, avoid trying to book a clinic the week before or a few days after any major competition they may have entered.
5. Contact the clinician with the date options you’ve narrowed down and get it booked!
- Financial arrangements differ with each clinician, so make sure you understand your obligations and due dates.
- Send out the clinic announcement URL via email and social media.
- Make sure to reverberate the message periodically prior to your closing date! It’s often helpful to send out a reminder email a week before closing with the registration form URL.
At Strider, we think it should be easy for equestrians to organize, promote, and manage amazing clinics with top riders. That’s why we created a fantastic platform with tools just for you!