Create Your Own Equestrian Experience: Customize Activities & Boost Your Revenue with StriderPro.

Are you looking to host a unique equestrian event with activities, classes, and services that aren’t typically offered at other venues? StriderPro has got you covered with our Custom Activity feature, allowing you to design and offer your own tailored experiences for riders. Whether it’s a special competition, a unique clinic, or something else entirely, you can now create custom activities with ease.

Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Log into Your Member Account

  • Head to and log into your member account using your credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the Organizer Corner

  • On the left-hand side, locate the Organizer Corner menu. If you’ve not yet connected to StriderPay, do that via clicking the <Payments> link in the left side menu.  (Free, takes about 3 minutes.)
  • Then select the <Post Activity > option. This will take you to where you can start building your unique activity.

Step 3: Customize Your Activity

  • StriderPro’s Post A Custom Activity  feature gives you full flexibility to create your activity.
  • Name Your Selections and Services: You can define your own unique classes, events, and services. Want to host a “Joker’s Wild Jump-off” or offer a “Catered Tuesday Lunch”? No problem – you have the freedom to name your activities and services however you like.
  • Add Entry Details: Fill out all necessary fields like you would for a standard activity, including important details like dates, times, and location.

Step 4: Set Your Inventory and Caps

  • Set inventory caps (like maximum rider limits for each class or event) so you can manage participant capacity effectively. This helps avoid overbooking and ensures a smooth experience for everyone.

Step 5: Collect Payments

  • One of the most powerful features of StriderPro’s Custom Activities is the ability to accept digital registrations and payments directly from riders.
  • For each custom activity, riders must pay either the full entry fee or a deposit at the time of registration.
    This ensures that only confirmed entries are processed, streamlining your event planning and increasing efficiency.
  • Please note: We do not support payment by check for custom announcements, as we’ve found it is not a sustainable business practice for the wider community we support. Riders can pay using Venmo, credit/debit card, or PayPal on STRIDER StriderPay.

Step 6: Post Your Activity

  • Once you’ve filled out the necessary information and set everything up, Click <Publish> your custom activity. It will be posted to the calendar just like any other event.

Benefits of Using Custom Activities:

  • Engage Your Equestrian Community: Custom activities are a fantastic way to offer unique experiences and engage your local equestrian community in ways other venues might not.
  • Increase Revenue: By using StriderFastEntry and StriderPay, you can collect complete rider entries quickly and efficiently, resulting in faster payments and increased revenue for your business.

Final Notes:

  • Be sure to use a great photo! Its one of the fastest ways to boost your entries.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to create a one-of-a-kind experience for your riders while maximizing convenience and revenue for your venue.

If you need any further assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team!