How to See Riders Who Requested a Waitlist Spot
One of the best ways to get all the details in a spreadsheet is to run a report. You will be able to access your reports by clicking to your Organizer’s Corner, then following the steps below.
STRIDER offers 5 report formats.
- <LONG> is the most informative report, with all the details like rider/horse experience, mailing address, emergency contact, attached documents, etc.
- <SHORT> is great for clinics organization.
- <Payment Report> feature in your Organizer Corner tells you the date that the rider paid, and for what selections. This is particularly good if you have repeated activities hosted at the facility. “Did Jane pay for last month’s Derby or this month’s??”
- <WAIT LIST> Link generates a spreadsheet of everyone who requested to be waitlisted for your activity, along with their contact info.
- <EXPORT TO EVENTENTRIES> enables you to generate a file 100% compatible with EventEntries Horse Event Organizer scheduling programs. This way you can accept entries in STRIDER, and schedule within EventEntries.
To Access:
- Click <View Entries> for the activity for which you would like to run a report
- Click <Download Entry Spreadsheet> and make your selection from the drop-down menu
Your reports will download in a .CSV format which enables easy export to various platforms that you already use to make your equestrian business run smoothly.
To access Waitlisted Entries, click <All Entries> at the left of your screen and select <Waitlist> from the dropdown menu.