How to Implement StriderPlus Digital Waivers
StriderPlus Digital Waivers is a standalone service that offers you maximum convenience and flexibility. You can use it in conjugation with digital entries across any entry provider you use, or solo.
Because StriderPlus is a standalone service, signed waivers will NOT auto-populate your STRIDER Organizer Corner (or another entry system) without rider action. That’s ok- simply tell them how to get it done right.
Make it easy for riders to find and access your waiver.
- Publish your waiver link in as many locations as possible – your website, social media, etc.
- Post your waiver QR code in & around your facility.
- Tell riders how to properly add signed waivers to their entry.
Using StriderPlus Link For Complete Digital Entries
If you want the PDFs to show in your Strider Organizer Corner,  you must tell riders how to properly add signed waivers to their entry.
1.) Add your waiver link to your STRIDER activity page. (There’s a field for it)
2.) Add instructions to your activity description telling riders to “Please click the link to sign our waiver FIRST (prior to checkout). Then upload the completed PDF to your STRIDER entry. That way all your documents come through on the entry.”
3.) Set up an autofile rule (guidance below) in your email to track all emailed PDFs. Yes, you’ll have the spreadsheet but you’ll want the hardcopy PDFs as well.
Using Your StriderPlus QR Code For Trailer-Ins
QR Codes are a digital code that tells a cell phone how to access an internet page. Using them is a fast and easy way to get people to your waiver. It’s much easier than texting a web link to a rider, or asking them to type a link into their phone’s browser.
Riders simply scan the code with their phone’s camera and your waiver will instantly appear in their browser (or their parent’s browser!)Â for signature.
To use, print out your QR code and post everywhere you can think of. Consider posting your waiver QR code:
- At your driveway entrance
- Your barn wall, the entrance to your indoor, your fence line.Â
- In your tack room
- By your mounting blocks
- Along the fence line where trailer-in’s typically park
Best Way To Track Completed Waivers-Set Up an Email Rule
 Long Term Reference
All the releases sent to you will always have the same subject line set up:Â Document Name + Signer Name
We recommend you use your email storage for legal backups (multi-year) access to your physical PDF waivers. Most email providers include plenty of storage in their plans.
You’ll typically want access for 2-5 years to comply with insurance and association rules.Â
 Set up an email rule to sort easily.  Review here to set up a rule in Gmail or in Outlook or in Apple Mail.
- Create a folder in your email called “releases”
- Set up a filter/rule that automatically organizes any email with the “Document Name” (varies by client) in subject line into Release folder.
Once you’ve set up, you’ll have eternal access to all signed PDFs, neatly accessible in your email. Well done!~
Short Term Reference: Â
The spreadsheet functionality built into StriderPlus is fast and easy if you are on the Premier, Professional, or Corporate Plan.
It tracks the signer’s name, date of signature, email address, and a link to the signed release.
It’s ideal for tracking signatures for horse shows, major hospitality events, etc. Â
However, for data & privacy reasons we only keep the spreadsheet waiver link active for 90 days.
After that, cloud storage is handled on your end.