Sample Template Text
A series of clinics on the same discipline can be an excellent way to attract new students and bring in additional business revenue. Consider hosting a dressage, cross-country, or show-jumping series…or a mix of all three, to help draw attention.
Whether it’s virtual or in person, you’re going to collect email addresses and expand your community reach quickly. The more email addresses you collect, the wider your influence.
STRIDER Business Tip: Practically speaking, you need a email list of at least 150 addresses to fill a clinic with 20 spots.
Below is some text you can use to get started.
[Title]: <Descriptive Adjective> Show Jumping Clinic Series at <Facility Name>
[Description]: A clinic series can cover a range of topics. Add information that describes what activities take place during each session.
For a show jumping clinic series, for example, you might include topics such as “Related Distances & Bending Lines”, “Cantering Exercises, Turning Questions & Angles” or “Corners & Narrows”
[Instructors]: The clinics will be taught by <Instructor names> Professional credentials include [Judge Certification Level/US Equestrian Team member/ USDF, USHJA, or USEA Instructor certifications.] Where appropriate, add recent competition results with placement, event name and horse name.
[Price]: Price is $xx.xx for trailer-ins & $xx.xx for boarders.
Trailer-ins who sign up for 3 or more clinics in one series may select boarder rate pricing on their 3rd clinic. (Tip- Offer an incentive to sign up for multiple clinics!)
[Closing]: Come join us on [date, time] for one or more of these fun clinics! Registration closes the <specify closing date> prior to each clinic.
Reserve your spot via our convenient online registration at <>, as space is limited. All required liability forms are posted there as well- please attach to your registration.
“You don’t get many chances to train for <name clinic subject> with a highly renowned instructor, so take advantage of this excellent opportunity!”