Each month, we feature a different STRIDER partner and their insights on how you can grow your equestrian business.

This guest blog post is brought to you by Kimberlyn Beaudoin of KTB Creative Group.

The power of social media comes from the fact that polished content floats around WITH unpolished content, and your life meets in the middle.  I like to present it as a compromise- to have effective, engaging social platforms you have to have a balance.

You have to share the vulnerable moments, and you have to pull the curtain aside sometimes.

You have to show people your TRUE WHY, and if you do that, then for the most part, they will understand and be more likely to support your HOW.

Now, I’m not asking you to post a questionable cell phone photo of a horse and ask your community to analyze it based on body condition scoring, or give it a lameness exam (though some of them will do it no matter what – Lauren Sprieser likes to call these folks the Klassical Kowboys™).

I’m also not telling you that you need a full hair and makeup team to join your payroll and help with the more “polished” side of your content agenda.

I am simply saying that you can’t lose yourself in the message you’re trying to get across.


The polished, published, professional example

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So where is the line?

Well… I think everyone’s is different.

There are a few that take the “imperfect” idea of social media and use it as a free pass to air out dirty laundry. Others primp and prep and only want perfection.

But alas, neither of these will grow your platforms or create a loyal community filled with engagement.

Keep in mind- Your social media platforms are not your websites. I’ll say it again.

Your social media platforms are not your websites.  The professional, curated image to your website can influence your social media, but it should not dictate it.

For my clients who do want their feeds to be very professional (there’s nothing wrong with that, you are running a business after all), I recommend making “real life” use out of social media in other ways, other than broadcasting about your breakfast or your workout on your timeline each day.

People crave relatability. I think I touched base on this in my last blog.

People WANT to know that you too, the successful equestrian that they look up to, drink as much coffee (probably more) as they do on a daily basis. They want to know WHY you love horses, they want to hear about your embarrassing moments, and want to know the stories of how you overcome them.

With that, I present my Tip of the Month:  Use the “Stories” section on Instagram and Facebook.  They are great,easy  places to give viewers a better idea of what your “day in the life” looks like. This is where you can really let your guard down and connect with your viewers.

I also urge my clients to get comfortable with going live, or making a point to do a lot of unscripted video work whenever they have the opportunity. If you have a sense of humor, play into that.

If you are very serious, explain why. There is nothing people like more than getting a real sense of WHO you are, and what you stand for.

Who to Follow

If you want to see a shining example of someone staying true to themselves while maintaining a professional presence on social, I recommend following International Dressage Rider and Trainer, Lauren Sprieser @laurensprieser on IG, and Facebook.

Engaging, relatable content need not be exclusive to the barn aisle

Your community wants to know that you too, are a human.


For more about KTB Creative Group and Kim Beaudoin, visit ktbcreativegroup.com, or connect via Instagram and Faceboo