How to Build Business Revenue Teaching Clinics

Wondering what you can do to build your business revenue teaching dressage, show jump, or cross country jump clinics?
Here are 8 proven ways to attract rider interest and build your client base:

1. Use video to market your skills as an instructor, horse trainer, and premier clinician.

A quick video is a wonderful way for riders to hear you speak and get familiar with how you interact with students.

Riders often will search YouTube to see if they can find videos of prospective clinician. Why not include in your activity description the link to a recent clinic video ? A high quality iPhone video or simple podcast works wonders; it doesn’t have to be professionally done.

2. Create a clinic series focused around tangible, identifiable concepts.

Perhaps you want to do a series of dressage clinics focused on rider position and balance, or grooming for top riders. Whatever you choose, give riders a specific reason to attend.

Generally speaking, when one clinic in the series gets positive reviews it becomes much easier to fill the registrations for the rest of the series.

3. Update your website to include Clinic Marketing

Include details on your website about you as a clinician, not just as a competitive rider or successful trainer. Include professional bio items such as your most recent accomplishments, educational theories, links to blog posts you’ve written, and previous clinic reviews.

4.Put your clinic prices & teaching philosophy on your website.

Organizers often have a wide selection of trainers to potentially host. Make your business arrangements straightforward and easy for them to understand. Post your fee structure & teaching strengths to make it easier for them to decide.

5. Partner With Nearby Facilities.

Identify 2-3 partner facilities that might be willing to host you for a clinic series for a share of the revenue, such as a facility fee.

Don’t forget about public equestrian facilities! County equestrian facilities are often open to the public and can be ideal for sponsoring a local Pony Club clinic series, for example.

6. E-mail Marketing.

Email marketing is a vital tool to a successful business!   It’s an effective and cost-efficient method of staying in touch with your existing students, send reminders, promotional offers, and thank you notes.

Ask organizers for the list of email addresses from all riders who registered, or use an online service like that compiles the list automatically for you.

 7. Use Text Reminders To Encourage Riders To Show Up

If you’re accepting payment by check the day of your clinic, use a service like to remind riders and minimize no-shows.

Include a simple note like “This is a reminder you are scheduled to attend the John Smith Grand Prix Show Jump Clinic on Saturday May 12th. If you need to reschedule, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx prior to Thursday 5pm to avoid the $25 late cancellation fee.”

8. Last but Not Least: Start Small if You Have To.

Get people out to your facility for other reasons. For example, you might host a veterinary seminar and provide food.

Breakfast bagels or lunch chili are two easy, inexpensive ways to feed an unknown crowd size. Sometimes all it takes is a brief interaction with a top trainer for riders to know you are approachable!

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