7 Perks of Using Strider for your Show or Clinic

1. Maximum Visibility 
All posted announcements are automatically publicly accessible AND Search Engine Optimized to reach a nationwide audience.
Because if you are trying to achieve maximum registrations, why restrict access to a limited group??

2. Maximum Revenue
ZERO Organizer Fees.  ZERO deducted from your proceeds.  With our proprietary StriderPay technology, you can directly collect rider payment, registrations, & documents 24/7.

3. Maximum Engagement & Registrations
Strider is unique in that it does NOT require  a User be a site member or set up a lengthy profile to register for a posted activity.  Fast registrations= more registrations!

4.  Free Marketing Tools & Nationwide Impact.
With Strider, Organizers can quickly share their custom announcement URL/registration form via email and social media to attract maximum publicity.

5. Maximum Control. You’re 100% in the Driver Seat. 
Make changes anytime. No need to go through a Site Admin to access electronic fund payments or to make announcement edits!
You control dates, how many riders slots you want to accept, etc.

6. Maximum Access with Mobile Friendly Technology.  
Riders can use their PHONE to register in seconds with your activity details & forms available in one easy to find place,
Abandoned registrations – where a rider expresses interest but declines to pursue an labor intensive paper registration process- are minimized.

7. Maximum Support
Strider’s uniquely scalable database design can support thousands of rider registration transactions annually with associated document storage.

Our proprietary software is robustly designed on the same advanced technologies & standards as used in national defense systems.

Ready To Get Started?
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